Recommended Products
For you to get the full picture on all this 'Thinky Stuff' I actually recommend all my products. The three on this page are special to me because they kicked my 'Thinking about thinking' butt. They can and should do the same for you.
Hello #3,
Why this page?
Because I know, from many years of experience, how confusing it is at the start of any new project to do with Personal Improvement.
So, to help you I suggest/recommend/advise that you invest, to start with, in the three products at the bottom of this page, .
The 46 word quote in product 1, from Albert and the 22 words in product 2, from Claude got me into, seriously thinking seriously, about this, 'Thinking Stuff'.
They got me started on my journey of Self Empowerment.
A journey of, better thinking, becoming a better me and living a better life.
It took about a month before my mind really, really, really, understood the importance of the 67 words from Albert and Claude.
Product number 3 is my 14 word version of the one from Albert. I believe that these 14 words will help you to quickly understand the personal potential available through your own better thinking and doing. It did for me.
That was ten amazing years ago.
So here, all in one place, are three, extremely important Thought Art, products. On them are the 81 words that revolutionised my thinking, about thinking.
You can buy each product singly or invest in all three at once. These may turn out to be the only one's you will ever need. If so, great. Use the 46+22+14 = 82 words as the basis for your future approach to becoming a, better thinking you.
They can be, on a wall, in your home ready to do the same for you in about, three days.
Regards and respect ,
Phil Soffe
(The Mind Man)