Your Thoughts Matter.
Much more than you think they do!
Time for you to fix that by learning what I and some other really great thinkers can teach you about this , 'Thinky Stuff'.
This website is a brand born out of my passion for finding really useful knowledge to empower, evolve and grow people. Honest!
Hello and welcome,
Shortly before starting this website I read this :
"The main objective of all life is, development. Every living thing has an undeniable right to attempt all the development it is capable of achieving". Socrates.
And this :
According to online statistics you will now, probably be thinking, "I'm ready to leave this site and go make a cup of coffee".
Before you go to make that coffee you so desperately need??? please bookmark this website.
If you don't, the chances of you actually ever finding it again are billions to one. If you do, then in the future, whenever you are ready, you'll only be a click away from getting back here to, get to know, what I know, that I know, you would benefit from knowing.
Too many 'knows' I know but I know you'll be glad you got to know what I know by knowing the information on this website.
So I created this website to help empower you and other people. Every page you read provides information that I believe deserves to be read.
Why? Because what you learn will improve your development.
By the end of this page, you will have learned information that explains how you can take control of and responsibility for, yourself and your life.
"Man's greatness lies in his power of thought".
Wanna' know who figured this out? Then stick with me and and take a peek at the, All 'Thought Art' products page, HERE.
The content of this website is dedicated to providing you (and anyone else who bothers to read it all) the knowledge of/ how-to of, how-to use your 'Thought Power' to become the best you that you can be-come.
Why? Because
Personal and Life Development is powered by, knowing about, thinking about and doing stuff. You can only think about, then do, stuff you do know about.
If you really can't be bothered to finish reading this page then you almost certainly don't have the mental discipline needed to develop either yourself or your life.
This website is dedicated to providing the knowledge you need to use your 'Thought Power' to become the best you that you can be-come.
In my professional life I was praised regularly for the quality of the reports I had to write every three months. That level of praise was achieved by me thoroughly researching each topic in great detail. Next came me
writing, understandable information and guidance, about the subject in question, so that others could make sense of it and put into practice.
This process became, a worthwhile habit.
That means that, this particular page on this website, will probably be much longer than on the other 60 billion + websites out there.
No apologies for that. I want my readers to know and understand exactly what is on offer.
All other pages on this site are much shorter, honest.
We will probably never meet in person but I hope that, during the time you spend on this webpage, or even website, we will have a 'meeting of minds'.
For that to happen I ask, advise, or even insist, that you to spend ten minutes reading all of this page and possibly even take some notes. (This page has around 2,500 words) That's a darn sight fewer minutes than you waste, every day with your nose buried in your 'Daily Bugle, Trumpet, Recorder, or whatever. The whole site is only around 5,400 words in total.
If, after two or three minutes, you decide to close this page and go 'do something 'more interesting' that's your choice.
To make a choice you have to think.
Bookmark time for you?
I'm not going to try to emotionally blackmail you, con you, or hype you into anything through what you read in any part of this website.
I simply provide you with what I believe is, useful, valuable and unique knowledge. Knowledge, that I strongly believe, you will eventually be glad you got to know.
If you don't understand some of it, or if doesn't make sense, right away, don't chuck in the towel. When you do make sense of it all you'll be glad you kept hold of the towel.
Ready, steady GO KNOW!
Knowing and using what I know, will enable you to, live a life where:
1. You are the one who sets the rules.
2.You can wake up every day knowing that you can positively impact your world.
3. You become a you, who is becoming, a better you.
4. You 'mentally' design then create the life you want.
How do I know that these are possible?
Because, through 1, 2, 3 and 4 above I have, thought then done, things that have empowered me to, live my life on my terms. I leaned and applied ways to fine-tune my personal and life management strategies.
My every 'tomorrow' is designed, by me, by my, every 'today'.
Me, this website and your effort will help you master the process.
"It ain't bl.......dy Rocket Science. (If it was I wouldn't understand it).
I'll be honoured if you do choose to use as your go-to place for, credible, ethical and effective Personal and Life Growth teaching.
What I offer you through this website is a unique opportunity to get involved on your journey to a, better, more creative, life.
The information, and products I offer, are only available from this website.
A bit about me.
Back in 2012, I started a blog. The posts contained knowledge and information written to educate and empower myself and others. I devoured loads of stuff online to write posts for the blog.
I spent at least 30 hours, most weeks, searching the WWW for credible help and advice to use in my posts. Help and advice that I could make sense of, actually use and then pass on to others.
My life had ups and downs, but through my research for my blog posts I realised that there is a huge range of different ways on offer of learning this 'becoming and living better' thing.
Most of those ways are promoted online through websites with, several totally fake pictures of 'them' standing next to some horrendously expensive vehicle in front of their many times more costly home and misleading promises like, 'easy to apply, achieve total self confidence in seven days, become a success in three weeks, $7.00 to start', etc.
I investigated hundreds of them. Even bought offers from several. All icing and no cake would be a polite way of describing them. It's highly possible that I chose the wrong one's. But that isn't difficult to do.
I was sick of being 'a me' who, knew that my life was out of my control.
But nothing I found provided information that I could understand and actually, use to sort myself (and my life) out.
The word authentic has always intrigued me. It means:
"Acting with integrity, writing and speaking honestly, and representing oneself or one's organization in genuine ways". "Inauthentic, writing, statements or actions are always insincere, false, or misleading".
For me, being authentic, means me representing myself and this website in sincere, honest, ways and avoiding deceitful, manipulative content.
During my online digging for' Personal Empowerment Gold' I became determined and motivated to find out all that I could about specific areas of human capability.
Such as:
Self Control.
The connection between thinking and doing.
How does what we think effect what we do?
How does what we do, effect our life?
Is it really complicated or just a simple process?
Is this a process we can control?
Is it one we can understand?
I became more and more passionate about this stuff than anything else in my life.
I began searching for quality, understandable, do-able knowledge and information about those specific areas of human operation. It had to be out there. Finding it, was though, a 'needle and huge haystack' situation.
I absorbed ideas, words, images, anything and everything that would enable me to take control of myself and my life. Then get this stuff in the minds and thoughts of other people.
The content of this website is my way of letting you and others know about, the most, worth knowing, effective, beneficial and helpful guidance from all that I discovered.
One really significant insight I had during this five year period was this:
“Thoughts are more than just what you think; they’re what you tell the world about yourself, through what you do and what you achieve".
(You are about half way through this page. High five!!!. Don't 'think' yourself into leaving now).
********** 2018:
I 'discovered' a 46 word quote from Albert Einstein. YES the one and only Albert Einstein.
Once you know and understand these words you will realise this:
What's 'wrong' in the world is created by those people who think and do wrong.
Like this:
Wannabe' dictator, thinks, "I'll take over this country and do things that make me rich and everyone else suffer".
And this:
What's wrong in the lives of many people is created by what they think and do wrong.
Teenager, thinks, "I'll start robbing homes to get money and do my first one tonight".
The information, advice and guidance in this website will explain how you can develop your ability to think and do 'right'. Then, like me, you will become Self Empowered through, learning about and using your 'thinking stuff' in the 'right' way.
What Alberts' 46 word quote comes down to is these 14 words from me.
“Creator of your life are you,
Through want you think and what you do.” Me
You'll find the 46 word quote by Albert on the, All 'Thought Art' Products
page. CLICKHERE. And on the Recommended Products page HERE.
A short time after reading Albert's words I 'unearthed' a 22 word quote from an influential 'Life Management' teacher of the 20th century. He was a highly respected and successful author and thinker.
His name? Claude M. Bristol.
And guess what? The 22 words from Claude had an uncannily similar message to the 46 words from Albert.
What, really, really, really, impressed me/blew my mind was this:
Albert and Claude never met. I spent weeks searching for evidence to prove that they did. Never found any.
Great minds and all that, eh?
You'll know what I mean when you've read the 68 words from Albert and Claude. The 14 words from me will, also help you.
The quotes from Albert, Claude and myself are HERE all on the same page.
As I wrote earlier, it ain't Rocket Science but it will take you a few days to get to your 'light bulb' moment.
Once you do you will, like I did, be thinking, "This is really bl.........dy obvious, why didn't I think of it"?
When these 'Thought Wisdom' words are on display, on a wall, in your home, you'll see them every day. Just like images on your walls that remind you, every day, of people and places that are already important in your life.
Except that now, the images and words that you're being re-minded about are important in a different way. They can and should positively effect you and your life in every respect. As long as they are, like mine, actually hanging on a wall in your home.
Once you do have them in your home, read them, once, twice, ten , twenty times, you will soon understand why I got so excited about what those 67 words actually mean. They were the launch pad to my journey into, T.W.O.T. The World Of Thought. The significance for the life of every person who knows and understands this world is priceless.
You'll almost certainly walk past them every day so you may as well read them. Then you will, almost effortlessly, be taking in Thought Wisdom. Which is knowledge that you can then use (think and do) as the basis of a better, you created, future.
We all read good stuff in books but, six weeks after one of them has been gathering dust on your bookshelf, you can't remember which book the words were in, or exactly where they are in the book. Unless you took the time to highlight the words or take notes.
Information on walls is, much easier to access, more practical and way more user friendly, stuff stuffed in books.
As well as words from Albert and Claude, and me, many other words about, mind, thoughts, thinking and doing will be revealed to you through the all the products I have created. The products, are only available to you from this website.
If you add the 46 words from Albert and the 22 words from Claude you get 68 words. They are the 68 most, 'Me Empowering', words I ever read.
They've worked extremely well for me. I believe that they can do the same for you. If you add the 14 words above from lil' ol' me you get,68+14= 82 words.(I have read many thousands more).
But I really believe that those 82 words have the knowledge and insight that sow the seeds of Self Empowerment in everyone who knows them.
This website exists only because of me knowing and using these 82 words on a daily basis. And without this website you and other people, would never get to know the unique information it contains.
Your past thoughts, were the original source of everything that has already happened in your life. Think, 'Thank you Claude'.
Sorry but you can't change anything you thought and did in your past. Using this process you created your current life.
Your future thoughts will be the original source of what will happen in your future life. Think, 'Thank you Claude'.
Your thoughts, and what you do create effects in your life. These effects become...... your life. Think, 'Thank you Phil for reminding me of this."
All kinds of 'lives' and 'things' are created using just two tools. They are thoughts and acts. Think, 'Thank you Albert'.
These two tools are built into you. It's time for you to learn how to use them effectively.
Thoughts have rules.
Here's one. Your life will, have in it whatever thoughts you think and act on.
See the All 'Thought Art' products page here to get your copy of, 'The Rules of Thought Worth Knowing'.
By mastering your thinking and doing, you become the creator of your future life. You are the only person responsible for making that happen.
Find out how to develop your responsibility through the products that are, only available from this website.
Below I'll explain how they can be in your home within minutes from now.
(A small but important, diversion)
Print On Demand
I did consider using P O D to get these words of wisdom messages on the walls of the homes of people. But, my research showed me that the POD industry is, not very kind to the planet, the products take up to several weeks to reach you, the quality of the products is not always acceptable and they are expensive for both the product creator, me and the consumer, you.
To have just one of the my prints in a frame and on a wall in your home through a POD provider would cost about £30 -£40 plus £5-£10 shipping. You would have to wait at least five days to receive it. That depends on what part of the world the printing factory is, compared to where you live. Most international purchases take 15 -20 days to arrive.
Or there's :
Making my products available to you as printable downloads, means that:
1) They are printable by you.
2) This saves you money compared to POD.
3) You will have them in your possession minutes after your purchase.
4) The small amount of ink, paper and electricity you will use has no significant negative effects on the environment.
I read these two pieces of advice recently:
1) Successful printables are those that fulfil a need for your customer.
2) Products that sell well are those make sense and solve a reader’s problem.
Even before I read these, that's what I planned to achieve. These two snippets confirmed that I was thinking and am doing, the right thing.
So, by me using the 'downloadable and printable by you' method of delivery any of my products can be on your computer ready for you to download within minutes of your purchase. A short time later you can use your printer to print/create them. Then a quick trip to your local discount store and you can have them in frames and on your wall the next, or even the same, day.
One finished product will cost you less than £12.00. (It's actually, £11.76).That's £10.00 for the download, £1.66 for a frame and 10p for paper, ink and electricity.
I bought a pack of three A4 size frames from my local 'money saver' store for £4.99. So, each frame cost £1.66.
If you can get a similar deal on frames then, three downloads, framed and on your wall, will cost you,£11.76 X 3, which is £35.28.
So for £35.28 and within two or three days you can have them displayed on your, 'Thought Wisdom Wall' , ready to empower you and others who see them.
Then, they will be doing their job day after day, after day, for the rest of your life. Feeding your mind with essential information about how to, effectively, use your thinking and doing.
This is knowledge that offers you limitless possibilities and benefits for your future and probably the life your children. People who visit your home and read the quotes will also 'get to know' stuff that will benefit them.
If you 'thought' yourself into and actually 'doing' the reading to here, then high five! You clearly have good mental discipline. That will support you in your future efforts of creating success in life, using the unique knowledge available from this website.
My regards and respect,
Phil Soffe
(The Mind Man)
P.S. If you think that people you know would be interested in my work please let them know about this website. Thanks in advance.
A wall in your home could soon be 'home' to examples of the you changing 'Thought Art' insights about this 'Thinking Stuff'.
"Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have laboured hard for.” Socrates
Quality, not quantity.
Quality is my priority. It’s not something I just 'think' about doing. It's what I think, think, think, and do, do, do, every day.